Wolfgang Borchert international
Wolfgang Borchert: The Man Outside and selected stories – FREE Download
Wolfgang Borchert was born on May 20, 1921 – a hundred years ago. He died in 1947 – the twenty-six-year-old victim of a malaria-like fever contracted during World War II. This was just one day after the premiere of his play, The Man Outside, which caused an immediate furor throughout his native Germany with its youthful, indeed revolutionary, vision against war and the dehumanizing effects of the police state.
Wolfgang Borchert’s voice speaks plainly and powerfully from out of the war’s carnage all the more poignantly for its being cut short at so young an age. This collection in celebration of Borchert’s 100th birthday includes the complete text of the title play, as well as some of his most famous stories.
Hier und überall, wo es E-Books gibt, können Wolfgang Borcherts Theaterstück „Draußen vor der Tür“ und eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten Kurzgeschichten als kostenloses E-Book auf Englisch und Arabisch (PDF) und Persisch (PDF) heruntergeladen werden.
Wolfgang Borchert: The Man Outside and selected Stories. English version
Wolfgang Borchert: The Man Outside and selected stories. Arabic version (PDF)
Wolfgang Borchert: The Man Outside and selected Stories. Persisch version (PDF)
Im Mai, wenn überall der Löwenzahn blüht, wird in Hamburg Wolfgang Borcherts 100. Geburtstag mit einem großen Literaturfestival gefeiert. Zum Festival-Programm.